Everything: Severance

Everything is a sometimes-weekly podcast where sometimes-friends Justin Blizzard and Keith Krepcho discuss a sometimes-mutually agreed upon topic.

We are currently discussing season 2 of the Apple TV show, Severance.

Conservative Activism & This Is America

Conservative Activism & This Is America

Everything is a spoiler-heavy podcast. We talk about all aspects of whatever we are discussing and do not announce or avoid spoilers in any way.

00h 00m 12s: Follow up from last week

00h 04m 18s: Keith analyzes the new Robin Hood trailer

00h 13m 20s: Justin's theory about money laundering

00h 21m 10s: PUBG and the thousand yard stare of Twitch streamers

00h 26m 32s: Arrested Development season 4 remix and season 5 announcement and Netflix's binge culture

00h 34m 15s: Keith rails against the new Gimlet podcast the Habitat while Justin uses it as a soundboard for the monetization/monopolization of our attention spans and ad revenue

00h 46m 31s: Children's attention span in today's digital landscape and Super Mario Odyssey

00h 56m 02s: This American Life - My Effing First Amendment and Conservative activism

01h 24m 38s: This Is America

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact Justin at his website.

You can follow the Keith on Twitter @10thTry.

Justin also hosts a movie review podcast with his daughters called elephant & giraffe.

The music heard throughout this episode is Chattanooga Choo Choo by Haruomi Hosono.

One Thing: Thoughts on HAES Discussion

One Thing: Thoughts on HAES Discussion

Everything is a spoiler-heavy podcast. We talk about all aspects of whatever we are discussing and do not announce or avoid spoilers in any way.

In this episode of Everything Justin shares some follow up thoughts on the Health At Every Size discussion.

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact Justin at his website.

You can follow the hosts on Twitter, Justin is @blizzzzzzzzzard, Keith is @ThingsComeRight.

Justin also hosts a movie review podcast with his daughters called elephant & giraffe review.

Health At Every Size

Health At Every Size

Everything is a spoiler-heavy podcast. We talk about all aspects of whatever we are discussing and do not announce or avoid spoilers in any way.

In this episode of Everything Justin and Keith discuss the This American Life episode "Tell Me I'm Fat," and the Health At Every Size movement.

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact Justin at his website.

You can follow the hosts on Twitter, Justin is @blizzzzzzzzzard, Keith is @ThingsComeRight.

Justin also hosts a movie review podcast with his daughters called elephant & giraffe review.

The music heard throughout this episode is One Note Samba by Herbie Mann.

Mad Men Finale and Mad Max Fury Road

Mad Men Finale and Mad Max Fury Road

In this episode of Everything Justin and Keith discuss their feelings on the end of Ex Machina. Keith talks about the Mad Men series finale and the movie Wild Tales. The two have an in-depth discussion of Mad Max Fury Road and the semi-satanic, semi-gambling game Cordial Minuet. They move on to discuss the recent offerings from This American Life, last week's recommendation of Pry, and Justin's recommendation, Grand Theft Auto Pacifist.

  • Ex Machina
  • Mad Men
  • Wild Tales
  • Mad Max
  • Cordial Minuet
  • This American Life
  • Pry
  • GoldVision
  • Ex Machina
  • Mad Men
  • Wild Tales
  • Mad Max
  • Cordial Minuet
  • This American Life
  • Pry
  • GoldVision

Show Rundown

Ex Machina: 07m 06s

Mad Men Finale: 10m 46s

Wild Tales: 26m 12s

Mad Max Fury Road: 33m 20s

Cordial Minuet: 55m 20s

This American Life: 01h 02m 10s

Pry: 01h 06m 15s

GoldVision's Grand Theft Auto Pacifist: 01h 11m 10s

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can email Justin at: gjblizzard@gmail.com

Subscribe to Everything in iTunes by clicking here.

Any additioinal information can be found at Brown Blue White.

You can follow the hosts on Twitter, Justin is @blizzzzzzzzzard, and Keith is @ThingsComeRight, Keith's Letterboxd profile can be found here.

Everything Is Interesting's True Detective podcast, Everything True Detective, can be found here. Or, you can subscribe through iTunes by clicking here.

The intro/outro music for the show is provided by The Free Music Archive, and is performed by Johnny Hawaii:

The Lonely Smurfer (Johnny Hawaii) / CC BY-NC-SA 3.0

The interstitial music is also provided by The Free Music Archive, and is performed by Miss Emma:

Une Glass au Citron (Miss Emma) / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0