Everything: Severance

Everything is a sometimes-weekly podcast where sometimes-friends Justin Blizzard and Keith Krepcho discuss a sometimes-mutually agreed upon topic.

We are currently discussing season 2 of the Apple TV show, Severance.

One Thing: Gun Control

On One Thing Justin rambles about one thing that he can't stop thinking about; this episode it's gun control in light of the recent Parkland shooting. It's a spicy one.


More Perfect - The Gun Show

On the Media - Back to the Future & Rinse and Repeat

The New York Times - The N.R.A. Has a Video Channel. Guess What It Shows?

The Daily - Friday, Feb. 23, 2018

Destiny - The NRA Is Worse Than a Terrorist Organization in the USA & Gun control - Debate with RamboBiggs

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact Justin at his website.

Justin also hosts a movie review podcast with his daughters called elephant & giraffe review.

One Thing: Thoughts on HAES Discussion

Everything is a spoiler-heavy podcast. We talk about all aspects of whatever we are discussing and do not announce or avoid spoilers in any way.

In this episode of Everything Justin shares some follow up thoughts on the Health At Every Size discussion.

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact Justin at his website.

You can follow the hosts on Twitter, Justin is @blizzzzzzzzzard, Keith is @ThingsComeRight.

Justin also hosts a movie review podcast with his daughters called elephant & giraffe review.