Everything: Severance

Everything is a sometimes-weekly podcast where sometimes-friends Justin Blizzard and Keith Krepcho discuss a sometimes-mutually agreed upon topic.

We are currently discussing season 2 of the Apple TV show, Severance.

The Deluge Book 2 - Feedbacks

Everything is a spoiler-heavy podcast. We talk about all aspects of whatever we are discussing and do not announce or avoid spoilers in any way.

In this episode of Everything Justin and Keith open up with a quick ~4 minute discussion on how bad the True Detective: Night Country finale was. They then move on to discuss book 2, Feedbacks, of Stephen Markley’s The Deluge.

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact Justin at his website.

Justin also hosts a movie review podcast with his daughters called elephant & giraffe.

Music is by Johnny Hawaii.

The Deluge Book 1 - One Last Chance

Everything is a spoiler-heavy podcast. We talk about all aspects of whatever we are discussing and do not announce or avoid spoilers in any way.

In this episode of Everything Justin and Keith talk about parts 4 and 5 of True Detective: Night Country. At 44 minutes they discuss the first book, One Last Chance, of Stephen Markley’s The Deluge.

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact Justin at his website.

Justin also hosts a movie review podcast with his daughters called elephant & giraffe.

Music is by Johnny Hawaii.

Death Stranding and True Detective: Night Country E02/03

Everything is a spoiler-heavy podcast. We talk about all aspects of whatever we are discussing and do not announce or avoid spoilers in any way.

In this episode of Everything Justin and Keith open with Justin’s experience a couple of hours into the Hideo Kojima game, “Death Stranding.” After, they discuss their waning interest in True Detective: Night Country (22 min).

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact Justin at his website.

Justin also hosts a movie review podcast with his daughters called elephant & giraffe.

Music is by Johnny Hawaii.

The Curse Retrospective & True Detective: Night Country - Part One

Everything is a spoiler-heavy podcast. We talk about all aspects of whatever we are discussing and do not announce or avoid spoilers in any way.

In this episode of Everything Justin and Keith begin with a retrospective on The Curse. Then, they discuss the season 4 premiere of True Detective: Night Country (34 min).

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact Justin at his website.

Justin also hosts a movie review podcast with his daughters called elephant & giraffe.

Music is by Johnny Hawaii.

A little bit of this, a little bit of that

Everything is a spoiler-heavy podcast. We talk about all aspects of whatever we are discussing and do not announce or avoid spoilers in any way.

In this episode of Everything Justin and Keith talk about a little bit of this and a little bit of that. It’s a catch-up episode after a week off.

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact Justin at his website.

Justin also hosts a movie review podcast with his daughters called elephant & giraffe.

Music is by Johnny Hawaii.

He Died With His Eyes Open

Everything is a spoiler-heavy podcast. We talk about all aspects of whatever we are discussing and do not announce or avoid spoilers in any way.

This week on the show Justin and Keith catch up after Justin’s trip to Arizona and discuss the 1970’s British noir novel by Derek Raymond, He Died With His Eyes Open.

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact Justin at his website.

Justin also hosts a movie review podcast with his daughters called elephant & giraffe.

Music is by Johnny Hawaii.

True Detective Season 3 Wrap-Up, Guilty Pleasures, and Upcoming Film & TV Releases

Everything is a spoiler-heavy podcast. We talk about all aspects of whatever we are discussing and do not announce or avoid spoilers in any way.

The contents of the episode will remain a mystery until you listen, sorry that it has to be this way, but I’m lazy.

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact Justin at his website.

You can follow Keith on Twitter: @10thtry.

Justin also hosts a movie review podcast with his daughters called elephant & giraffe.

True Detective Season 3 - The Hour and the Day

Everything is a spoiler-heavy podcast. We talk about all aspects of whatever we are discussing and do not announce or avoid spoilers in any way.

In this episode of Everything Justin has a bad case of hiccups and new mustache that has Keith regretting coming over to record. The quickly move into the well trodden territory of 5’4 Ben Shapiro and the alt-right, before having a brief conversation on episode 4 of True Detective, “The Hour and the Day,” because True Detective is a bad show now. After about 30 minutes they move back into their comfort zone talking about how bad billionaires are.

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact Justin at his website.

You can follow Keith on Twitter @ThingsComeRight.

Justin also hosts a movie review podcast with his daughters called elephant & giraffe.

The music heard throughout this episode is drivin' down to the beach (smokin' weed in your car) by Johnny Hawaii.

True Detective Season 3 - The Big Never

Everything is a spoiler-heavy podcast. We talk about all aspects of whatever we are discussing and do not announce or avoid spoilers in any way.

In this episode of Everything Justin and Keith discuss the third episode of True Detective Season 3, "The Big Never."

Check out the True Detective series recap by Shoot the Dancing Bear - Black Stars

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact Justin at his website.

You can follow Keith on Twitter @ThingsComeRight.

Justin also hosts a movie review podcast with his daughters called elephant & giraffe.

The music heard throughout this episode is drivin' down to the beach (smokin' weed in your car) by Johnny Hawaii.

True Detective Season 3 - The Great War and Modern Memory & Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye

Everything is a spoiler-heavy podcast. We talk about all aspects of whatever we are discussing and do not announce or avoid spoilers in any way.

In this episode of Everything Keith begins by apologizing for shaming people for just living their lives. At around the 11:35 mark the two move into a discussion about the first two episodes of True Detective Season 3, The Great War and Modern Memory & Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye.

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact Justin at his website.

You can follow Keith on Twitter @ThingsComeRight.

Justin also hosts a movie review podcast with his daughters called elephant & giraffe.

The music heard throughout this episode is drivin' down to the beach (smokin' weed in your car) by Johnny Hawaii.

True Detective, The Grand Budapest Hotel, and #CancelColbert

In the inaugural episode of EverythingKeith and Justin talk about the finale of True Detective and what it says about the series as a whole, they examine the nature of Wes Anderson's new film The Grand Budapest Hotel, and get in on the ground floor of the #CancelColbert Twitter movement.

Show rundown:

True Detective: 2min

The Grand Budapest Hotel: 34min

Twitter Trends: 1hr

Recommendations: 1hr, 16min

Justin's recommendation this week, Pitchfork's cover article on Mac DeMarco "Mannish Boy," can be found here.

Music for the episode was found through the Free Music Archive and is provided by Johnny Hawaii and Waylon Thornton.

You can find more of Johnny Hawaii's work here:

Bad Panda #61 (Johnny Hawaii) / CC BY-NC-SA 3.0

You can find more of Waylon Thornton's work here: