Everything: Severance

Everything is a sometimes-weekly podcast where sometimes-friends Justin Blizzard and Keith Krepcho discuss a sometimes-mutually agreed upon topic.

We are currently discussing season 2 of the Apple TV show, Severance.

Peak TV & Groupthink

Peak TV & Groupthink

Everything is a spoiler-heavy podcast. We talk about all aspects of whatever we are discussing and do not announce or avoid spoilers in any way.

00h 00m 15s: Descender

00h 04m 00s: Peak TV

00h 41m 52s: The Wisdom and/or Madness of Crowds

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact Justin at his website.

You can follow the Keith on Twitter @10thTry.

Justin also hosts a movie review podcast with his daughters called elephant & giraffe.

The music heard throughout this episode is Back to the Tropics by Charlie Rouse.

PC Culture, Survivor, & Corey Feldman

PC Culture, Survivor, & Corey Feldman

Everything is a spoiler-heavy podcast. We talk about all aspects of whatever we are discussing and do not announce or avoid spoilers in any way.

In this episode of Everything Justin and Keith discuss a confluence of events loosely tied to PC culture and feminism. We also veer off into the season premiere of Survivor and Corey Feldman's performance on The Today Show.

Mic.com: Leaked Apple emails reveal employees' complaints about sexist, toxic work environment

Gizmodo: This is the 'Rape Joke' That's Rocking Apple

Hugh Mungus

Annaliese Nielsen assaults Lyft driver

Corey Feldman performs ‘Go 4 It’ live on TODAY

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can email Justin at: gjblizzard@gmail.com

You can subscribe to Everything in the iTunes store, or the Google Play store.

Any additional information can be found at EIPodcast.com.

You can follow the show on Twitter @EIPodcasts. Keith can be found on Twitter, @ThingsComeRight, and Letterboxd, Felix Demarco. Justin hosts a movie review podcast with his daughters called elephant & giraffe.

The music for the show is performed by Johnny Hawaii.